My Heart Leaps Book

After much prodding by God and others, I have finally put my "graphic psalms" into book form. Doing the artwork and writing were easy compared to formatting it into a book and actually letting others look at it! The material is rather personal and I feel a bit vulnerable in sharing it. Fortunately, I'm in a different place in my life and feel somewhat detached which is perhaps the reason I've been able to "put it out there".

The images, words, and scriptures have come as I have spent time in the private sanctuary of my own heart. I was very grateful for the intimacy I had in my relationship with God and for the images and insights that came to me during our times together. In my view, God and I had a good thing going and I was content with things just the way they were. I some times say that God kicked me out of my prayer closet, but that's not exactly true. God first put it on my heart to share what I had received, 4 years ago, at the graduation mass of the Anglican School of Theology. I was very moved by the Eucharist, particularly when the priest held up the elements and said, "The gifts of God for the people of God." At the moment, I realized that what God had given me was not just for me but was to be shared with the "people of God".

I've learned a lot in the process. The technical challenges were significant but not nearly as great as the personal and spiritual challenges. But as usual, each challenge brought the lesson I needed for the next step in the process.

So I offer up my book saying: "The gifts of God for the people of God."

May this book open a window to God for you and bring a fresh breeze of the Spirit to your soul.


Jan said…
Congratulations! How beautiful! And how do we purchase your book?
Thanks Jan. If you click on the image of the cover, it will take you to my website where you can order and pay by paypal or you can download an order form and pay by check.

One reason I've been scarce on the blog is that my web hosting company has decided to discontinue my service, so I've been busy creating a new website. So far, my old site is still up and running. Hopefully, I'll have my new one ready to publish soon.

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